
Empowering Individuality, Championing Sustainability, Crafting Fashion for Good

We not only make the best custom suits - but through path-breaking a.i. technology & sustainable manufacturing, we are drastically reducing textile waste, water usage & natural resource wastage.

Slow Fashion
zero waste
Hand crafted
recude landfills
conserve water
responsible manufacturing

Choosing Hangrr isn't just about choosing a suit. It's about choosing a brand that shares your values and commits to making a positive impact on the world.

" The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

- Lao Tzu

#Look Good

to express yourself

We believe that everyone should feel confident and authentic in what they wear. That's why we harness advanced AI technology to create a perfect fit for your unique measurements and preferences. Our custom-tailored approach allows us to design clothing that complements your individuality and ensures that you feel as good as you look.

Fashion is one of the most potent expressions of individuality, and at Hangrr, we're committed to ensuring that your clothing speaks volumes about who you are.
About Hangrr Tech


We got together the best minds to create an actual, breathable impact on the planet. After all, this is our only planet A - sorry Elon! We'll save this one till you quest to find another.

KNOW our A.i. ➔
  The backbone of the change - Lenna

How we are empowering Individuality with AI-Engineered Fits:

+ State-of-the-Art Technology
We've harnessed the power of AI to revolutionize the tailoring process. Our advanced algorithm takes into account a range of factors including your unique measurements and preferences to create a pattern that fits perfectly, every time. This ensures precision that human tailors can't match, eliminating common issues like ill-fitting sleeves or an uncomfortable waistline.
+ Unleashing Your Unique Style
Our AI isn't just about fit – it also helps us better understand and cater to your personal style. Whether you prefer a classic silhouette or a modern, slim-fit design, our technology can adapt to your preferences and consistently deliver suits that not only fit perfectly but also mirror your unique style.
+ Tailoring Beyond the Ordinary
Traditional tailoring methods often limit the options available to customers. With Hangrr, there are no such limitations. Our technology allows us to offer a wide variety of styles, cuts, and fabrics, enabling you to find or create the suit that you've always dreamed of.
+ Personal Stylist Support
At Hangrr, we understand that technology, while transformative, is most powerful when coupled with human touch. That's why we provide personal stylist support for our customers. Our stylists help guide you through the process, making it easy and enjoyable, while ensuring your suit perfectly encapsulates your style and preferences. By integrating modern technology with personalized support and timeless tailoring, Hangrr empowers your individuality and redefines the experience of wearing a suit.


Without Craftmanship, inspiration is a mere reed shaken in the wind.

- Johannes Brahms

#Feel Good

in every thread

Fashion should be a platform for self-expression for everyone. At Hangrr, we are committed to breaking down barriers in fashion and fostering an environment of inclusivity.

Hangrr understands that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Our advanced AI technology caters to a wide range of body types, ensuring a perfect fit that celebrates your uniqueness. We believe in fashion that fits you, not the other way around.

Sustainable suits inclusive

+ Accessible Fashion - Democratizing Luxury
Inclusivity is not just about body types and genders; it also involves making fashion accessible to all. We strive to provide premium quality, sustainably-made custom clothing at a price point that is more accessible, challenging the notion that custom and quality are always synonymous with a high price tag.
+ Inclusive Customer Experience
Our commitment to inclusivity extends beyond our products to our customer service. We value and respect all our customers, striving to create an environment where everyone feels welcome, heard, and valued. Our personal stylist support is available to assist with individual needs, ensuring a seamless and inclusive shopping experience.
+ Inclusive styles
Fashion should transcend gender norms. Whether you identify as male, female, or non-binary, Hangrr has a variety of styles and fits to cater to your fashion needs. Our custom clothing options are designed to make everyone feel confident and authentic in what they wear. Our fashion is about self-expression and authenticity, regardless of how one identifies.
+ Driving Change
We are not just about creating inclusive fashion, but also about inspiring change within the fashion industry. We advocate for greater diversity and inclusivity in fashion, pushing for a world where everyone can see themselves represented and celebrated.

With Hangrr, fashion isn't just about looking good - it's about feeling good in your skin and expressing your individuality, no matter who you are or where you come from. That's inclusivity woven into every thread.

#Do Good

in every stitch

In the realm of fashion, Hangrr takes a stand for the planet. Our steadfast commitment to sustainability isn't just an ideal, it's integrated into the very fabric of our business.

When you wear Hangrr, you're not only embracing individuality and quality – you're also championing sustainability. With every stitch, you're making a statement about the kind of world you want to live in – one where fashion and responsibility coexist in harmony.
About Hangrr Artisans

dignity &

Every wrinkle, every popping vein is testimony to the toil and love that goes into making something unique for you. Our artisans put their soul into making you look great. We just do our bit by investing in their family's welfare, children's education & diverse upskilling.

  Consistent empowerment creates lasting change.

Natural Luxury Fabrics

plant based suits
cool natural fibers
linen suits
wool suits
cotton suits
manmade materials

Quality begins with sourcing. At Hangrr, we meticulously select materials that are not only premium in quality but also sourced responsibly. From cotton and wool to linen and performance fabrics, our commitment to ethical sourcing ensures we respect the environment and the people involved in the production process.


How we are building change - one suit at a time:

+ In-house Eco-Conscious Manufacturing
We've taken sustainability and quality to the levels of absolute luxury. By owning and operating our manufacturing process we get complete control and it guarantees the stringent quality we're known for from design to the final stitch. Moreover, by eliminating the middlemen, we provide luxury clothing suits at cost-effective prices - thus democratizing luxury for all. Our A.i. enabled processes ensure speedy delivery and quick adjustments to meet individual needs. This also empowers us to weave sustainable practices throughout production, from minimizing waste to providing a safe, eco-friendly environment for our workers. Every Hangrr suit is a product of eco-conscious manufacturing practices that prioritize the planet.
+ Longevity ingrained in every product
Sustainability at Hangrr is also about longevity. Our suits are designed to be timeless – with classic styles that defy fleeting trends, and quality craftsmanship that withstands the test of time. By investing in a Hangrr suit, you are choosing to reduce the cycle of fast fashion and its associated waste.
+ Promoting a sustainable mindset
We believe in creating not just sustainable clothing but also in fostering a sustainable mindset. Through transparent communication about our practices, we hope to inspire our customers and the broader fashion industry to adopt more sustainable habits.

When you wear Hangrr, you're not only embracing individuality and quality – you're also championing sustainability. With every stitch, you're making a statement about the kind of world you want to live in – one where fashion and responsibility coexist in harmony.


Style is not a display of wealth but an expression of imagination.

- Anonymous

Sustainable custom suits

a better
world 🌎

What we make for you
- Perfect Fits - Uniquely Crafted
- Unmatchable Value - 365 Days
- Long-Lasting Luxury Clothing

What you give the world
- 76% lower textile fresh-water usage
- 85% reduction in fashion landfills
- Saving natural resources = less CO2

Slow Fashion
zero waste
recude landfills
conserve water